15 research outputs found

    Machine-learning-based identification of factors that influence molecular virus-host interactions

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    Viruses are the cause of many infectious diseases such as the pandemic viruses: acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). During the infection cycle, viruses invade host cells and trigger a series of virus-host interactions with different directionality. Some of these interactions disrupt host immune responses or promote the expression of viral proteins and exploitation of the host system thus are considered ‘pro-viral’. Some interactions display ‘pro-host’ traits, principally the immune response, to control or inhibit viral replication. Concomitant pro-viral and pro-host molecular interactions on the same host molecule suggests more complex virus-host conflicts and genetic signatures that are crucial to host immunity. In this work, machinelearning-based prediction of virus-host interaction directionality was examined by using data from Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. Host immune responses to viral infections are mediated by interferons(IFNs) in the initial stage of the immune response to infection. IFNs induce the expression of many IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), which make the host cell refractory to further infection. We propose that there are many features associated with the up-regulation of human genes in the context of IFN-α stimulation. They make ISGs predictable using machine-learning models. In order to overcome the interference of host immune responses for successful replication, viruses adopt multiple strategies to avoid being detected by cellular sensors in order to hijack the machinery of host transcription or translation. Here, the strategy of mimicry of host-like short linear motifs (SLiMs) by the virus was investigated by using the example of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The integration of in silico experiments and analyses in this thesis demonstrates an interactive and intimate relationship between viruses and their hosts. Findings here contribute to the identification of host dependency and antiviral factors. They are of great importance not only to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic but also to the understanding of future disease outbreaks

    A comprehensive review of computation-based metal-binding prediction approaches at the residue level

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    Clear evidence has shown that metal ions strongly connect and delicately tune the dynamic homeostasis in living bodies. They have been proved to be associated with protein structure, stability, regulation, and function. Even small changes in the concentration of metal ions can shift their effects from natural beneficial functions to harmful. This leads to degenerative diseases, malignant tumors, and cancers. Accurate characterizations and predictions of metalloproteins at the residue level promise informative clues to the investigation of intrinsic mechanisms of protein-metal ion interactions. Compared to biophysical or biochemical wet-lab technologies, computational methods provide open web interfaces of high-resolution databases and high-throughput predictors for efficient investigation of metal-binding residues. This review surveys and details 18 public databases of metal-protein binding. We collect a comprehensive set of 44 computation-based methods and classify them into four categories, namely, learning-, docking-, template-, and meta-based methods. We analyze the benchmark datasets, assessment criteria, feature construction, and algorithms. We also compare several methods on two benchmark testing datasets and include a discussion about currently publicly available predictive tools. Finally, we summarize the challenges and underlying limitations of the current studies and propose several prospective directions concerning the future development of the related databases and methods

    Prediction of bioluminescent proteins by using sequence-derived features and lineage-specific scheme

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    Abstract Background Bioluminescent proteins (BLPs) widely exist in many living organisms. As BLPs are featured by the capability of emitting lights, they can be served as biomarkers and easily detected in biomedical research, such as gene expression analysis and signal transduction pathways. Therefore, accurate identification of BLPs is important for disease diagnosis and biomedical engineering. In this paper, we propose a novel accurate sequence-based method named PredBLP (Prediction of BioLuminescent Proteins) to predict BLPs. Results We collect a series of sequence-derived features, which have been proved to be involved in the structure and function of BLPs. These features include amino acid composition, dipeptide composition, sequence motifs and physicochemical properties. We further prove that the combination of four types of features outperforms any other combinations or individual features. To remove potential irrelevant or redundant features, we also introduce Fisher Markov Selector together with Sequential Backward Selection strategy to select the optimal feature subsets. Additionally, we design a lineage-specific scheme, which is proved to be more effective than traditional universal approaches. Conclusion Experiment on benchmark datasets proves the robustness of PredBLP. We demonstrate that lineage-specific models significantly outperform universal ones. We also test the generalization capability of PredBLP based on independent testing datasets as well as newly deposited BLPs in UniProt. PredBLP is proved to be able to exceed many state-of-art methods. A web server named PredBLP, which implements the proposed method, is free available for academic use

    In silico prediction of HIV-1-host molecular interactions and their directionality

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) continues to be a major cause of disease and premature death. As with all viruses, HIV-1 exploits a host cell to replicate. Improving our understanding of the molecular interactions between virus and human host proteins is crucial for a mechanistic understanding of virus biology, infection and host antiviral activities. This knowledge will potentially permit the identification of host molecules for targeting by drugs with antiviral properties. Here, we propose a data-driven approach for the analysis and prediction of the HIV-1 interacting proteins (VIPs) with a focus on the directionality of the interaction: host-dependency versus antiviral factors. Using support vector machine learning models and features encompassing genetic, proteomic and network properties, our results reveal some significant differences between the VIPs and non-HIV-1 interacting human proteins (non-VIPs). As assessed by comparison with the HIV-1 infection pathway data in the Reactome database (sensitivity > 90%, threshold = 0.5), we demonstrate these models have good generalization properties. We find that the ‘direction’ of the HIV-1-host molecular interactions is also predictable due to different characteristics of ‘forward’/pro-viral versus ‘backward’/pro-host proteins. Additionally, we infer the previously unknown direction of the interactions between HIV-1 and 1351 human host proteins. A web server for performing predictions is available at http://hivpre.cvr.gla.ac.uk/

    High-Throughput Identification of Mammalian Secreted Proteins Using Species-Specific Scheme and Application to Human Proteome

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    Secreted proteins are widely spread in living organisms and cells. Since secreted proteins are easy to be detected in body fluids, urine, and saliva in clinical diagnosis, they play important roles in biomarkers for disease diagnosis and vaccine production. In this study, we propose a novel predictor for accurate high-throughput identification of mammalian secreted proteins that is based on sequence-derived features. We combine the features of amino acid composition, sequence motifs, and physicochemical properties to encode collected proteins. Detailed feature analyses prove the effectiveness of the considered features. Based on the differences across various species of secreted proteins, we introduce the species-specific scheme, which is expected to further explore the intrinsic attributes of specific secreted proteins. Experiments on benchmark datasets prove the effectiveness of our proposed method. The test on independent testing dataset also promises a good generalization capability. When compared with the traditional universal model, we experimentally demonstrate that the species-specific scheme is capable of significantly improving the prediction performance. We use our method to make predictions on unreviewed human proteome, and find 272 potential secreted proteins with probabilities that are higher than 99%. A user-friendly web server, named iMSPs (identification of Mammalian Secreted Proteins), which implements our proposed method, is designed and is available for free for academic use at: http://www.inforstation.com/webservers/iMSP/

    Additional file 1: of Prediction of bioluminescent proteins by using sequence-derived features and lineage-specific scheme

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    Table A1. Physicochemical properties for twenty amino acids. Table A2. The relative amino acid composition of BLPs. Table A3. The relative dipeptide composition of general BLPs. Table A4. The relative dipeptide composition of bacteria BLPs. Table A5. The relative dipeptide composition of eukaryota BLPs. Table A6. The relative dipeptide composition of archaea BLPs. Table A7. The performance of different features and their combinations on three training sets using five-fold cross-validation. Table A8. The lists of optimum feature subsets in four training sets. Figure A1. An overview of the importance of the features in four training sets. Figure A2. Venn diagrams of the overlap between the discriminatory and selected useful features in the optimal subset for each type of features. (DOCX 1741 kb